Sunday, September 13, 2015


Hi there,
Let me introduce myself briefly, I am an officially amateur blogger named Siti Zahra  and as for short people called me Zahra.This is actually my first time making a blog which is quite difficult for me to figure out what all the buttons are for~Seriously, can't they make it more easier for me?-and as of yesterday,2nd October, i've turned 19 years old! Woohoo.

                              Besides the fact that I've became a year older, I've just started my course on Bachelor of  Biology Cell and Molecules in Upm,Malaysia and I'm currently taking Cellular and Developmental Biology classes under Dr. Parameswari 's guidences.Dr. Parames have taught me a lot on the first few weeks and with that in thought,I would like to share on what I have learned so far through this blog.I hope this blog will benefit not only me but other people as well. Fuhh!! I've finish my introduction, so shall we get to the point.The faster, the better right? So that people won't yawn reading the blog, I'll will also attach some videos and pictures that are related to the discussed topic.

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