Monday, September 14, 2015


Hi! Good morning,

                       Today I would like to share about the things that I've learned in Cellular And Developmental Biology classes. On the first day of class, we were given an overview of subtopics that we are going to learn though out  half of the semester.The subtopics are:
           Week 1-Evolution on Earth                                           
                     2-History of Life                                                               
                     3-Prokaryotic Cells, Virus,Viroid and Prion                                                               
                     4-Endosymbiosis Theory                                                             
                     5-Division Cycle of Plant Cell and Totipotency                                     
                     6-Pollination & Development of Plant Embryo
                     7-The Regulation of Developmental and Differentiation  of  Plant Embryo  

           During the first week of lecture, we have learned about Evolution. Even though, I've learned evolution before when I was studying in Perak Matriculation College, I did not quite understand the topic itself. All I knew was that it involves changes of organisms and its surrounding. It did not trilled me. However, as I was learning this topic, I've learned a lot of new things such as the theories of evolution based on different scientists in the past, variation, adaptation, natural selection and etc.


         We also watched a video which is Endless forms Most Beautiful.From watching the video, I've learned on the background story of Charles Darwin and how did he come to a conclusion that every organisms are connected through an ancestor and evolves over time due to external environment but not an adaptation but rather due to mutation, variation and sexual selection.Due to my personality, I would like to know why Darwin says that we are from monkey.To me, it just didn't make sense.  Although, watching the video wasn't all that exciting but from there, I manage to understand the theory brought up by Charles Darwin. At least, there are some parts of it that make sense.

               During our SCL activities, we discussed about Darwin's Observation based on the video. Based on the video, he had observed many kinds of animals from  different species. The examples include ; Giant tortoises, swimming lizards, finches and more.Each of these animals even when they are from the same species, they had characteristics that differs them from one another. This findings had led Darwin towards the understanding of variation and the theory of natural selection.

            During the first week of lecture, although we had covered most of the contents in evolution, yet we hadn't discussed in details the theory of natural selection and the new technology  of evolution.Since my perception on evolution has changed, I'm curious to know more about it. 

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