Saturday, September 26, 2015

Prokaryotic Cells, Virus,Viroid and Prions

        Good Morning,

              Today I would like to share what I have learned thought the week. This week, we learned a topic about prokaryotic cells, virus, viroid and prions.The first thing that was taught to us during lecture was The Cell Theory and Modern Cell Theory.There are many scientist involves; that later then contribute to the cell theory.The scientist were Robert Hooke, Anton van  leeuwenhoek, Schleiden and Schwann Rudolf Carl Virchow and Louis Pasteur. Although there were many great scientists, we only discussed in detail a few of them.During my leisure time, I watched a video that was recommended by Dr. Parameswari which is The Wacky History Of Cell Theory .It really helped me to understand better on this topic. So far this video is my favourite because of  its cute illustrations and the content was fun .Based on what I 've learned,The Cell Theory of Life are made up of three basic components, which are :

                     We also learned about prokaryotes which consist of archaebacteria and eubacteria.There are also exceptions to Cell Theory such as Viruses, Prions, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Muscle Cell and Fungal Hyphae.We learned to differentiate the characteristics of an archaebacteria and eubacteria and its similarities. We were assigned to make a flyer entitle 'most wanted' or ' least wanted' based on a bacteria and its advantages or disadvantages. I was quite sad that I didn't get the chance to draw as my other group member volunteered to draw it. Her drawings were absolutely better than mine which means that I have to practice harder.Besides that, we also learned the differences and similarities between a prokaryote and eukaryote. We did a venn diagrams as shown below but not quite similar in terms of contents.

                               Last but no least, we discussed about these acellular pathogens which is the virus, viroid and prions.Before this, all I have ever heard was virus.Now I realize my knowledge were very limited.From what I have learned, virus is a non-living particle but as it enters a living organism 's host body it started to have a living thing's characteristics and invaded the host's cells. It could
 cause cancers and other deadly diseases. Meanwhile, prion is a nonfunctional protein  that acts as an infectious agent which propagate by transmitting a mis-folded protein state and implicated in a number of diseases in a variety of mammals.Examples of diseases caused by prion is Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Last but not least, viroid is an infectious agent that affects plants.These pathogen seemed to be nothing but a tiny snippet of naked RNA yet it induced diseases lead to dramatic economic losses in agriculture and horticulture worldwide. Now I know that all those strange looking vegetables and fruits are caused by viroid.Yukks~

I have learned a lot this week yet there are still many more to learn.I haven't yet to learn the theory of endosymbiosis. I wonder what it is all about.

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