Thursday, October 22, 2015

The regulation of developmental and Differentiation Hormones

 Hello !

This is the last week which is the 7th week. This week is even hectic then before due to class being cancelled due to the haze in Malaysia. We have to discuss the work plan for Training Scientist Programme that should be on 29th October but it being posponed to 5 November due to the terrible haze that affecting the school 's examination period. However, we did learned a bit about hormones in plants.

       From my understanding,hormones in plants are :

  •  Auxin- it stimulate elongation of stems and fruit development
  • Cytokinin- it stimulate elongation  of cells and delay the aging in plants
  • Gibberelins- it is for fruit ripening
  • Abscisic acid-Stimulates the closure of stomata ,inhibits shoot growth but will   promote growth of roots and inhibits the affect of gibberellins.
  • Ethylene-It can stimulate fruit ripening

  Auxin is mostly found in shoots apical meristem while cytokinin is mostly found in roots, embryo, and fruits.Both of them need each other but ,if cytokinin is higher in the cell, shoots will form and if auxin is higher roots will form. This is what most botanist applied in growing plants that they desired and cultured plant.

               This is the only parts that I have fully understand whereas the rest of it I will watch a video on the topic and maybe I could ask for my friends help and Dr. Parameswari 's guidance.

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